Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Kassia: "Mommy, aren't you happy we live in a house?"

Me: "I sure am, we're blessed aren't we?"

Kassia: "Yeah, some people don't even have a house...Hobos live in the woods."

Me: "You're right, Kasi, we should be thankful for what we have."

It's been one of those weeks. You know the kind when life smacks you upside the head and says, " could be worse..."

In the past 2 weeks we've dealt with: Steve hurting his back, Sierra severely spraining her ankle, Malia having poison ivy, Shawn getting the stomach bug, my friend dying from breast cancer, my rear Suburban tire leaking, Sierra's college stress, my current 3 day long migraine, the clothes dryer and Steve's truck transmission both breaking. Of those things, the only thing currently "fixed" is Shawn's stomach. The transmission will be fixed soon to the tune of $2,500. Ouch. I know all of these things are all bumps in the road and they just happen to have all come at once. I considered waving my white surrender flag...a symbol that I've had enough. Right about then is when I met the woman in the laundromat (see previous post). That's when I received the first smack..."It could be a LOT worse"...(then the transmission broke to prove that point).

Today Kasi informed me that we could be Hobos. She's right, we have enough. We have a roof over our heads and we have each other.

I'm too blessed to be stressed...and this too shall pass. I'm counting on it.

Tomorrow is another's to it being a great one.

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