Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

With the start 2009 comes hopes for a better year.

Financially, physically, emotionally...2008 was a draining one. I, for one, am looking forward to a fresh start.

There is one member of my family who is definitely on the path to an exciting year! My brother, Scott, has spent the last 4 days in Atlanta. He went down to visit Lori. She was my best friend during my freshman and sophomore years in high school. They dated for awhile back then, and eventually lost touch. In October, I found Lori again online. Scott and Lori reconnected too...on so many levels. In 37 years, I have never seen Scott so happy. I can't think of anyone who deserves this more. With all of my heart, I am wishing him a lifetime of joy and peace.

On our homefront I am wishing for loss. That sounds odd...but I'm talking about loss of the good variety: weight loss, debt reduction, loss of attitude in certain children and less stress. Contrarily, I am wishing for more: more family time, more time with Steve, more alone time...more time. Time to enjoy the simple pleasures and the great blessings, time to read, time to sleep, time to get everything done, time to do nothing at all.

Here's to a wonderful 2009. :)


Janet said...

Wishing your family a wonderful 2009.

paparazzimom said...

I am soooo with you on the loss and wanting more thing.