Perhaps it's because he has spent the last 15 years dealing with Constitutional Growth Delay. Maybe it's because I've always told him that if people measured him by the size of his heart, not his height on a chart...he'd be a giant. Could be because he is wise beyond his years and has always held his head high...despite some low blows that he's been dealt. It's likely that it is all of these things combined that make me very happy to announce that my son is officially taller than I am. See...

15 years ago I learned how a baby boy could fill my world with wonder and joy. Since that very day, Jared has been one of life's greatest blessings. His heart is genuine and his intentions always good.

The upcoming year will likely bring a part-time job, Drivers Ed, girlfriends and more. No matter what life brings, I know that he has a solid moral compass and he'll continue to make me very proud to say that he's my oldest son.
Happy, Happy Birthday Jared Chaloner. May you always know how dearly you are loved.
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