Even though Malia participated in the Valentine's "Give a Day, Get a Disney Day" event, she wasn't old enough to receive a voucher for it. She and I had been searching for a project that she could do, and we located the "Project Linus Handmade Blanket" opportunity. This is a National nonprofit organization that provides new, handmade, washable blankets to seriously ill and traumatized children, ages 0-18. She was excited to be making a blanket for a little girl somewhere in the America. Malia chose the fabric, helped cut it and made the "hug" to wrap around it.

We were going to tie off the fringe, with little knots (like tassels). However, she thought they looked, "beautiful" just like they were. So we left them :)

We measured her hand and she wrote on them: "Get Well Soon"
"Love Malia age: 7 Massachusetts"

Kassia has helped with both, "Give a Day, Get a Disney Day" opportunities. However, because she is 5, she is not eligible for a voucher. That's okay though, she has had a blast helping both times. She's such a bright girl, she completely understands how these projects will help bring smiles to others. She has such empathy at a young age :)

The blue blanket was from Sierra and Kassia. Those are Kasi's hands on the "hug" (below). Sierra did not want her photo taken, so you'll just have to imagine her helping (I did send a photo to Project Linus of her making it as required though).
The completed blankets that will be shipped tomorrow:

I talked the Malia and Kasi about how it makes me happy to imagine the smiles on the faces of the little girl and boy who will receive these blankets. The blankets are distributed through hospitals and shelters. I also thought about the Mommy's and Daddy's whose children are hurting and I hoped this would help to ease their pain in a small way. Not everyone has been as blessed as we have with health and a happy family. It makes my heart full to be able to help others, and even more so to have my children participate in such a special event. :)
If you'd like to donate a blanket to a child in need, visit Project Linus at:
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