I could go on and on about how my heart was broken this weekend and how raising a teenaged girl is, by far, the hardest thing I have ever done. I could rehash all of the details, shed some more tears, feel more regret, delve further seeking a deeper understanding...but I won't. It is almost Christmas afterall, a time for joy.
Instead, I will ramble on about another of our traditions...one that is near and dear to my heart.
Every Christmas since the kids were born, I've bought them each an ornament. That ornament generally has something to do with a milestone or memory that was shared during the previous year. Taking the top off of the ornament bin each year is like lifting the lid off a treasure trove of memories. When we decorate the tree, with the carols on in the background, the kids each hang their own collection. Memories are revisted of seasons past. I hang the first 5 ornaments on the tree, they are always the photo ones of the kids on their first Christmases...and I need to make certain they receive priority placement on the tree. ;)
Sierra Marie's first Christmas-1992, she was 2 weeks shy of 1 year old.
Shawn Michael's first Christmas-2000, he was 5 1/2 months old.
Kassia Rachel's first Christmas-2004, she was 6 months old.
Some of the ornaments bring back memories of "phases" the kids went through--like Jared's fondness for Star Wars and his Obi Wan ornament, Shawn's love for firetrucks, or Malia and Kasi's Princess ones. Others remind us of accomplishments, like Sierra's ice-skate (the year she learned how), her field hockey one or the book one from the year she learned to read. Each one holds a special place in my heart. We find the perfect ornament when on vacation too, there is one up there of a hula dancing Santa from our Maui honeymoon in 1999 and various other trips.
Miss Malia started Kindgergarten this year, and there's no stopping her now. She is on cloud 9 every day, and absolutely loves it. She gets upset on the weekends, because there isn't school...so this Christmas break could be a looooooooong one for her. :)
"Kasi Girl" 's ornament this year is destined to be nostalgic. She has a rather large affinitity for hippos. She has a collection of hippo stuffed animals which she has been known to carry with her all around town. So, when I saw this, it naturally made me think of her. It plays a song, "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, only a hippopotamus will do...." and Santa is trying to fit the darned thing down the chimney. She LOVES it and has memorized the words. I know that through the years, when she hangs this on the tree...I will look back on the memory of my littlest girl at this Christmas season and smile.
A moment of glancing at the tree, can send me down memory lane and I return with a smile on my face. As I noted above, this tradition and collection is so precious to me.
Merry CHRISTmas and Happy Birthday, Jesus. :) Here's to a year of hope and joy ahead.
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