Rules of the Award:Admit one thing you feel awful about involving being a mom. Get it off your shoulders. Once you've written it down, you are no longer allowed to feel bad. It's over with, it's in the past. Remember, you're a good mom!
*Well, let's see...sometimes, I reach my limit. I lose my patience and am less than, ahem, "calm, cool and collected". I'll admit, this is generally with Sierra, my teenager. Sometimes, she just pushes my buttons and then...she pushes them again. On those days (which thankfully are few and far between)...I end up yelling like a lunatic and then cry myself to sleep feeling like the worst mom on the planet. The regret is horribly painful. I will pat myself on the back though, as of late, I've not allowed her to get to me nearly as often ;)
Remind yourself you are a good mom, list seven things you love about your kids, you love doing with your kids, or that your kids love about you. These are the things to remind yourself everyday that you Rock!1) I'm passionate about my family. My husband and kids know that they come first...always. There is NOTHING that I wouldn't do for them that was with-in my means to accomplish. To quote my son, "Mom's got our back". I do, and I'm proud of it.
2) I'm a Memory Maker. I make a point of making the most out of every holiday and turning mundane "events" into something the kids will always remember. From vacations to holidays...I put my heart and soul into making memories for my kids. I've created countless traditions that are "must-do's" every holiday. I just know the kids will cherish these memories as they grow. I know I do already.
3) My kids are polite. I am often told by adults how courteous and polite my kids are. They often put others before themselves, use their manners and make me proud when they are in public.
4) Vacations. We've taken our kids on 4 Disney vacations so far. The memories made on these trips will last a lifetime. We love the family together time, the all encompassing atmosphere of Disney and the magic we find there is priceless. We also go camping every summer. A week at wonderful "Justamere" in Maine, and another one in a tent by the sea. The best part of vacations...Their smiles. My kids have the best smiles. They can light up a room with them, and their giggles are contagious. The best laughs are shared in a tent, under a star filled sky, with the ocean waves nearby. Laughter echoes out on Washburn Island...and it lifts your spirits. I love sharing those moments with my kids...and am looking forward to the last week of August for more camping :)
5) I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in. I believe a mother needs to teach her children to find their moral compass and to use it. Motherhood is not a popularity contest. Sometimes, your kids won't like you...but if you are doing things right, they will always respect and love you.
6) I watch the Patriots, Red Sox and Celtics with my boys..and I know what is going on! ;) I'm actually probably the biggest Pat's fan in this house. My boys think it's pretty cool that their Mom can throw a football "like a guy" and totally gets into the sports games with them :)
7) I love my kids with all of my heart and my soul...and they know that with all of theirs.
Send this to five other Mom's Of The Year that deserve credit for being great moms and remind them that they are the best moms they can be!! Remember to send them a note to let them know you've selected them, and add a link to the person who nominated you.
Stefani - My Love Knot Always supportive, a wonderful friend and amazing Mom :)
Sara - A New Kind of Perfect Her strength amazes and inspires me.
Michelle- thepaparazzimom Mom of 4 adorable kidlets, full of faith and love.
Denise- Full Nest...- A wonderful Mom of 6, she is strong, determined and always looking at the positive side of things.
Stephanie- http://www.nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/ I've been following this blog since the writer, "Nie" was involved in a plane crash. The Lord has been sending her daily miracles and has her in the palm of His hand. She is an inspiration and a beautiful Mom.